Research Question: Are biofuels an ideal alternative energy?
Interest in this area of research:
Heavy investment in the development of alternative energy ensued as fuel crisis hit the globe in recent years. Among the alternatives, biofuels are the only fuel available worldwide consistently. When people treat them as the solution of global warming, the drawbacks of biofuels are unearthed. However, their advantages cannot be ignored. In the dilemma, development of technology for this fuel is still ongoing. By doing the research, I wish to discuss the capability of biofuels as an ideal alternative energy. It is urgent to ensure that there will be no wastage of energy, time and investment.
Specific aspects:
- Definition of biofuels
- Reasons of developing biofuels and their current usage
- What are the sources of biofuels and how to process them?
- Why are biofuels an ideal alternative energy?
- Why are biofuels not an ideal alternative energy?
- What are the barriers encountered with the application of biofuels?